Sunday, October 23, 2011

Don't Miss the Boat

I have been asked few questions about distance running. I will answer some of those questions & provide some training tips to help improve your performance. I will go out on limb & say that some of you started running as a way to get in shape & lose weight. You may have entered a 3k or 5k charity run with some friends & then the unthinkable happened... You didn't finish last & you have been reacquainted with competition.

Running is an endurance sport which requires little power and you should weight train like a runner. Not like a football player. Max effort weight training has no carry over when you are pounding the pavement. FYI... distance running/endurance training can have detrimental effects on maximum power and strength development. Here are few things to consider when weight training:
Multi joint exercises first
Keep reps between 15 to 25
Rest 30 seconds
Wait 48 hours between weight lifting workouts
No runs on weight lifting days. If you just have to, run at a slow pace & short distance.

Run Training
The limiting factor in endurance sports is lactate clearance. Lactate builds up during prolonged anaerobic activity & interferes with muscle contraction. To improve lactate clearance you must incorporate lactate threshold workouts into your training. This means training at a higher work capacity. One way to do this is run intervals at high intensity for a short distance with short rest/recovery time. Run faster than race pace for 3 to 5 minutes, slow jog for 3 to 5 minutes, and then repeat. I also like to use distance intervals. This is sprinting 200 yards to 400 yards, rest for 1 to 2 minutes, and then repeat. If you have access to a track, you can sprint the straights and walk the curves. I suggest using high intensity interval runs once a week.